Legislative Session News Archive
Session News #17: COLA bill heads to the Senate Finance Committee
Jun 3, 2015
Yesterday, Senate Bill 20 (Sen. Long) achieved concurrence in the full Senate, the final step before being sent to the governor for his signature. SB 20 restructures the state’s return-to-work law and adds to the categories of “retired teachers.” After a 12-month waiting period, individuals classified as “retired teachers” can collect both a retirement benefit and salary upon re-employment. The Senate also recommi...
Session News #16: Senate retirement advances cost-of-living increase bill
Jun 1, 2015
The Senate Retirement Committee today favorably reported House Bill 42 (Rep. Jones) as amended. HB 42 would provide a permanent benefit increase (also known as a COLA) to eligible retirees of the four state retirement systems. The COLA for eligible TRSL retirees would be 1.5%. The committee’s amendments do not allow funds to be set aside for COLAs from this year’s investment earnings. Therefore, no COLA should be anticipated ...
Session News #15: Return-to-work law OK'd by House
May 28, 2015
Today, the House unanimously passed Senate Bill 20 (Sen. Long) which restructures the state’s return-to-work law and expands the grandfathered group of “retired teachers” to include individuals who retired on or before June 30, 2010, regardless of whether or not they were rehired by that date. After a 12-month waiting period, individuals classified as “retired teachers” can collect both a retirement benefit and salar...
Session News #14: Bill granting cost-of-living increase wins passage in House
May 27, 2015
The House chamber yesterday voted in favor of House Bill 42 (Rep. Jones) which would grant a 1.5% cost-of-living increase to eligible retirees in TRSL and the three other state retirement systems. HB 42 now heads to the Senate Retirement Committee for consideration. Other news: House Bill 10 (Rep. Pearson) which would allow TRSL members to purchase service credit for out-of-state private school teaching service is subject to cal...