Empty classroom shown from the back at floorlevel


TRSL is here to help you get your job done with ease and efficiency. This section of the website includes resources for transmitting employer data, TRSL employer procedures, and training opportunities.

Need electronic reporting assistance?

Contact our HelpDesk at support@trsl.org

Annual Training

Our annual training is designed to fit your needs! Whether you’re a new employee or a seasoned veteran, you’ll receive valuable resources and information from our knowledgeable TRSL employer liaisons.

​​​​​​​View the training schedule and register for a session today. 

Employer Manual

The Employer Manual is a reference guide designed to help you provide the information and certifications TRSL needs to:

  • Establish and maintain accurate member records.
  • Allow for prompt and accurate benefit payments.

eNews — The Key

The Key, TRSL's employer bulletin, is published electronically and emailed to reporting employers quarterly (February, May, August, November)