Legislative Session News Archive
Regular Session News #20: Senate Retirement Committee advances UAL payment bill
Jun 2, 2023
With one week left in the 2023 regular session, bills affecting TRSL continue to work their way through the legislative process. After initially failing to win passage in the full House earlier this month, House Bill 47 (Rep. Nelson) was reconsidered and passed by the lower chamber this week. Today, it was favorably reported by the Senate Retirement Committee. HB 47, a proposed constitutional amendment, requires a minimum o...
Regular Session News #19: PBI funding bill heads to the governor
Jun 1, 2023
Today, the full House unanimously passed Senate Bill 18 (Sen. Price/co-sponsored by Senate President Cortez) propelling it one step closer to enactment. SB 18 would establish a new model for providing permanent benefit increases (PBIs) to retirees and beneficiaries of the four state retirement systems for teachers, state employees, school employees, and state police. For details on the provisions of SB 18, please read our May 2 Legislative Upd...
Regular Session News #18: Senate passes Social Security resolutions; House to consider PBI funding bill next week
May 26, 2023
This week, the following resolutions received final passage in the Senate: House Concurrent Resolution 67 (Rep. M. Johnson) requests that Congress take actions necessary to review the Government Pension Offset (GPO) and Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) Social Security benefit reductions and eliminate or reduce them by supporting H.R. 82 and S. 597 of the 118th Congress and all similar federal legislation. House ...
Regular Session News #17: PBI funding bill awaits House final passage (copy)
May 22, 2023
Today, the House Appropriations Committee favorably reported Senate Bill 18 (Sen. Price/co-sponsored by Senate President Cortez). SB 18 would establish a new model for providing permanent benefit increases (PBIs) to retirees and beneficiaries of the four state retirement systems for teachers, state employees, school employees, and state police. For details on the provisions of SB 18, please read our May 2 Legislative Update. ...