According to the Social Security Administration (SSA), as of February 24, 2025, retroactive benefits and increased monthly benefit payments to people whose benefits were affected by the WEP and GPO have begun. Visit the SSA website for more information or call 1-800-772-1213.

Study: TRSL efficiently delivers quality services

September 8, 2015

Baton Rouge—The Teachers’ Retirement System of Louisiana (TRSL) delivers high-quality, low-cost services to its membership, according to an independent benchmarking firm that reviews cost and performance of public pension systems.

Analysis conducted by the Toronto-based CEM Benchmarking, Inc. compares TRSL against similarly sized pension systems in service levels, plan complexity, transaction vol­umes, cost environment, and economies of scale. TRSL is compared with 74 other retirement systems, includ­ing a peer group of 12 pension systems.

The latest results, for Fiscal Year 2014, show the retirement system’s administrative cost was $88 per member compared to the peer average of $108. Even with modest operating costs and more complex tasks, TRSL outscored peers in customer service largely because of its ability to assist members with their retirements and other needs in a shorter amount of time.  

“TRSL has been using this benchmarking analysis as a management tool for the past 13 years,” said TRSL Director Maureen H. Westgard. “We have consistently measured well against our peers and continue to look for opportunities to enhance our service areas that balance both their cost and benefit.”
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