Legislative Session News Archive
Regular Session News #14: Governor signs PBI bill (copy)
Jun 2, 2021
Yesterday, Gov. John Bel Edwards signed Act 37 of 2021 (formerly Senate Bill 24), which grants a minimum benefit increase to certain retirees, beneficiaries, and survivors of TRSL as well as the retirement systems for state employees, school employees, and state police. TRSL retirees who meet all of the following criteria on June 30, 2021, will receive a monthly benefit increase equal to the lesser of $300 or the difference bet...
Regular Session News #13: Minimum benefit increase bill sent to the Governor
May 28, 2021
Senate Bill 24 (Sen. Price) has passed both chambers of the Legislature and now heads to the Governor for approval. SB 24 would grant a minimum benefit increase to certain retirees, beneficiaries, and survivors of TRSL as well as the retirement systems for state employees, school employees, and state police. TRSL retirees who meet the following criteria on June 30, 2021, would be granted a monthly benefit increase equal to the l...
Regular Session News #12: PBI bill receives final passage in the House
May 20, 2021
Yesterday, the House unanimously passed the permanent benefit increase (PBI) legislation, Senate Bill 24 (Sen. Price), after agreeing to a technical amendment and an amendment making the legislation effective upon the earlier of the governor’s signature or June 30, 2021. SB 24 would grant a minimum benefit increase to certain retirees, beneficiaries, and survivors of TRSL as well as the retirement systems for state employees, school em...
Regular Session News #11: Membership bill and Social Security resolution advance
May 17, 2021
Today, the Senate Retirement Committee reported the following bill and resolution favorably: House Bill 22 (Rep. LaCombe) would require all new employees of the Louisiana School Boards Association (LSBA), current employees of the LSBA who have five or more years of service credit in TRSL, and the director of LSBA to become members of TRSL. Currently, LSBA employees are members of the Parochial Employees' Retirement System of Louisian...