Legislative Session News Archive
Regular Session News #10: Senate Retirement Committee meets Monday
May 14, 2021
The Senate Retirement Committee is scheduled to meet at 2 p.m. on Monday, May 17 (agenda) to consider the following legislation affecting TRSL: House Bill 22 (Rep. LaCombe) would require all new employees, current employees of the Louisiana School Boards Association (LSBA) who have five or more years of service credit in TRSL, and the director of LSBA to become members of TRSL. Currently, LSBA employees are members of the Parochial Emplo...
Regular Session News #9: House Retirement Committee advances PBI bill
May 7, 2021
On Thursday, the House Retirement Committee voted to favorably to report Senate Bill 24 (Sen. Price), which would grant a minimum benefit increase to certain retirees, beneficiaries, and survivors of TRSL, as well as the retirement systems for state employees, school employees, and state police. TRSL retirees who meet the following criteria on June 30, 2021, would be granted a monthly benefit incre...
Regular Session News #8: Latest retirement bill action in Senate and House
Apr 29, 2021
The Senate moved Senate Bill 24 (Sen. Price) forward yesterday with unanimous passage. SB 24 would grant a minimum benefit increase to certain retirees, beneficiaries, and survivors of TRSL, as well as the retirement systems for state employees, school employees, and state police. TRSL retirees who meet the following criteria on June 30, 2021, would be granted a monthly benefit increase equal to the lesser of $300 or the differ...
Regular Session News #7: Retirement eligibility bill returned to the calendar
Apr 27, 2021
Today, the Senate considered Senate Bill 22 (Sen. Peacock), and after debate, Sen. Peacock asked that the bill be “returned to the calendar,” leaving open the possibility of a vote on the bill at a later date. As currently written, SB 22 would change retirement eligibility criteria for new hires in TRSL, LASERS, and LSERS whose first employment makes them eligible for membership in a state retirement system on or a...