Legislative Session News Archive
Regular Session News #21: Governor signs COLA bills, return-to-work bills move forward
Jun 1, 2016
Today, Gov. John Bel Edwards signed three bills into law that, taken together, allow TRSL to pay a 1.5% permanent benefit increase (also called COLA) to eligible TRSL retirees and beneficiaries on July 1. Senate Bill 2, sponsored by Sen. Barrow Peacock, authorizes the 1.5% COLA calculated on the first $60,000 of the retirement benefit. Granting of the COLA was contingent upon passage of Senate bills 5 and 18, also sponsored by Sen. Peacock, and s...
Regular Session News #23: Action taken on House bills affecting TRSL
May 31, 2016
The Senate yesterday unanimously passed an amended House Bill 60 by Rep. Blake Miguez. HB 60 (Miguez), adds “school nurse” to the list of retirees who can return to work and continue to receive a benefit check, subject to a 25% of benefit earnings limitation. HB 60 was amended in an earlier Senate retirement committee meeting to increase the waiting period between retirement and returning to work from 12 months to 36 mon...
Regular Session News #22: Senate finance okays COLA bill; return-to-work bills
May 26, 2016
The Senate finance committee yesterday favorably reported three bills affecting TRSL. House Bill 32 (Jones) grants a 1.5% benefit increase to eligible TRSL retirees and beneficiaries, effective July 1, 2016. Last week, Gov. John Bel Edwards signed Senate Bill 2 (now Act 93) into law which authorizes payment of a 1.5% COLA to eligible TRSL retirees and beneficiaries. If HB 32 is passed by the full Senate and signed by Gov. Edwards, i...
Regular Session News #20: Senate retirement committee meeting coming up
May 1, 2016
The Senate retirement committee is scheduled to meet Thurs., May 19 upon adjournment of the full Senate. The following bills affecting TRSL are on the agenda: HB 14 (Pearson) replaces the chair of the House retirement committee with any member of the committee appointed by the House speaker to serve on each state and statewide retirement board. HB 32 (Jones) grants a 1.5% benefit increase to eligible TRSL retirees and beneficiaries on July ...