IMPORTANT NOTICE: President Biden has signed the Social Security Fairness Act. Click here to learn more.

Regular Session News #23: Action taken on House bills affecting TRSL

May 31, 2016

The Senate yesterday unanimously passed an amended House Bill 60 by Rep. Blake Miguez. HB 60 (Miguez), adds “school nurse” to the list of retirees who can return to work and continue to receive a benefit check, subject to a 25% of benefit earnings limitation. 

HB 60 was amended in an earlier Senate retirement committee meeting to increase the waiting period between retirement and returning to work from 12 months to 36 months for non-critical shortage positions. The re-employment of retirees who have met the 12-month waiting period and returned to work prior to May 15, 2016, would continue to be governed by current law. HB 60 will now return to the House for a vote to concur with the Senate amendments.

The Senate also unanimously passed House Bill 1093 by Rep. Barry Ivey, which would require reports of the legislative auditor to include the actuarial assumptions and funded ratios of each of the four state public retirement systems, and the auditor’s findings on the appropriateness of the assumptions at least every five years.

In other action  

Gov. Edwards has called for a second special session. The 2016 Second Extraordinary Session will convene immediately after the end of the regular session on Monday, June 6 and will end no later than Thursday, June 23.

A complete list of legislation impacting TRSL, including the position taken by the TRSL Board of Trustees on each bill, is available on the Legislation page of our website.
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