Keep your retirement information secure
Beware of solicitations from third party companies.
You may receive solicitations from companies who want to talk to you about your TRSL retirement plan. Be careful about divulging sensitive information. While these companies may be legitimate, they are not associated with TRSL and they are not privy to information about your TRSL retirement plan.
What should I watch out for?
You may receive phone calls, emails or text message from companies that use web address domains similar to the one used by TRSL. TRSL does not employ, authorize or endorse any third-party vendors to represent TRSL or provide TRSL retirement information to TRSL defined benefit plan members.
Does TRSL send emails?
TRSL does send emails to members about upcoming events and other important information. If you’re nearing retirement or DROP eligibility, TRSL may email you about upcoming counseling appointments. These emails always include a link to TRSL’s website and TRSL’s official logo. If you’re ever unsure about a communication, please give us a call at 225-925-6446 or 1-877-ASK-TRSL.
Does TRSL ask for personal information through unsolicited, electronic communication?
No. TRSL will never ask for your personal information in an unsolicited email or other type of electronic communication. TRSL does not send text messages.
Does TRSL partner with other organizations?
TRSL contracts with three Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) vendors that provide participants with a defined contribution plan: TIAA, VOYA and Corebridge. Only ORP participants receive communication from these vendors.
How should I prepare for a meeting with a financial advisor?
Ahead of meeting with a financial advisor, log into your TRSL account through Member Access and get the information you need for your appointment. Your TRSL online account is the best source of information for your TRSL benefit.