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Returning to Work (RTW) Overview

Louisiana’s return-to-work (RTW) laws have changed significantly in recent years, including new laws enacted in 2022. These RTW webpages outline how the laws work and how they impact retirees who become reemployed in positions eligible for TRSL membership. 

NEW! Act 394 of the 2024 Regular Legislative Session added a new critical shortage provision for the 2010 and 2020 RTW Groups.

  • Members who retired before July 1, 2020: Now able to work full- or part-time in critical shortage positions without impacting their benefits.
  • Members who retired on or after July 1, 2020: Now can work full- or part-time in critical shortage positions without impacting their benefits after a 12-month waiting period.

Note: Only certain positions are eligible for the critical shortage categories, and certain requirements are required by the employing agency to declare a critical shortage. 

IMPORTANT: If you’re thinking about returning to work, please read the information on our RTW webpages carefully so you’ll know what to expect during your reemployment. Also, we strongly encourage you to contact us if you have any questions—Ask TRSL.