Young classroom students looking to the left and listening to their teacher.

DROP withdrawals

Your participation in DROP is over and you’ve officially retired! So, what’s the next step? Before you start withdrawing the money in your DROP account, please review your withdrawal options and the tax laws that affect these withdrawals. TRSL will send you information on withdrawal options specific to your account, which will help you decide when and how often to take withdrawals.

The federal SECURE Act of 2022 increased the age to begin required minimum distributions (RMDs) from 72  to 73, effective with those turning 72  in 2023.

When you can take withdrawals:

Immediate withdrawals: Withdrawals can begin as early as the 15th of the month following payment of your first monthly regular retirement benefit.

Delayed withdrawals: Age determines how long you can put off withdrawing funds from your DROP account:

  • If you are under age 73 in the calendar year in which you retire, withdrawals can be delayed for up to 11 months after your retirement date.If you are 73 or older in the calendar year in which you retire, withdrawals can be delayed for up to 11 months or until March 15 of the calendar year that follows your retirement date, whichever occurs first.

NOTE: Your first withdrawal will include a retroactive payment back to your date of retirement, if you delayed beginning withdrawals or your first payment was delayed until you received your first monthly benefit.

Frequency of your withdrawals:

  • Monthly withdrawals: An amount to be determined by your life expectancy or an amount specified by you to last for a period less than your life expectancy.
  • Annual withdrawals: Same as monthly withdrawals. You select the month in which the annual payment is made.
  • Partial, single-sum withdrawal: Can be taken once during the lifetime of you or your spousal beneficiary. If the partial, single sum is taken when beginning withdrawals, the balance of the account must be taken out monthly or annually, not to exceed your life expectancy.
  • Total DROP account balance withdrawal: Your total account balance can be withdrawn any time after ending DROP participation and terminating employment, and may be withdrawn even after beginning a series of withdrawal payments. There are potential tax issues if you do this.

NOTE: The manner in which funds are withdrawn from DROP accounts can have serious tax consequences. TRSL recommends you consult a qualified tax advisor before making any decisions about withdrawing your funds.