Young boy smiling while in his classroom with his other classmates.

Website and Social Media Disclaimer

Every effort has been made to ensure that the information on this website and the TRSL-sponsored social media websites is accurate. If the information should conflict with state or federal law, then the law must take precedence. State laws governing TRSL retirement are found in Louisiana Revised Statutes, Title 11, Sections 1-309 and 701-947, and the Louisiana Constitution, Article 10, Section 29.

It is the responsibility of each individual to use the data appropriately, for general informational purposes, and not as an exclusive basis for decision-making. TRSL makes no warranty, express or implied, for its accuracy, completeness, currency, or its use for any general or particular purpose, nor assumes any responsibility in the use of this service or its contents.

This website and TRSL-sponsored social media websites contain links to other Internet sites not owned or controlled by TRSL that may be of interest. However, TRSL cannot monitor all linked resources at all times. Therefore, the content of those sites is to be considered strictly that of the authors and may not necessarily represent the opinions or policies of TRSL. Providing a link to non-TRSL websites does not constitute an endorsement by TRSL of the information or products presented.