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Employer FAQs

What termination date do I use on the refund application (or Form 11B) if the member was on LWOP prior to termination (or approval for disability retirement)?

The actual termination day must be used. An employee is still employed while on leave without pay.

When is an employee eligible to be a member of TRSL?

This depends on several factors. In general, if an employee has a job normally eligible for TRSL membership, then he or she must become a member of TRSL. Exceptions include the following:

  1. If the position is half-time or less, temporary, or seasonal, the employee could not join TRSL unless they had already accumulated 10 years of TRSL service credit, or had already accumulated five years or more if a “classroom teacher,” or are also contributing at the same time on full-time employment at another employer. If the employee previously elected to join the Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) while employed by a state college or university, he or she is ineligible to join TRSL; however, the employee must continue participation in ORP. The position may be half-time or less, temporary, or seasonal.
  2. If the employee is a TRSL retiree, they generally do not become a TRSL member again.
  3. If the new employee is already a member of another public retirement system, they may be able to retain their membership in their previous retirement system.

Consult Index 2.0 (TRSL Membership), and Index 8.0 (Transfers, Reciprocals, & Administrative Error Transfers). Call the TRSL Enrollment Section at (225) 925-6446, ext. 4640 with any questions.

How do you report TRSL contributions paid at the beginning of one fiscal year but earned in the prior fiscal year?

Contact TRSL to see if the prior year has been closed. If the year is still open, you will be instructed to process an online contributions correction. If the year is closed, you will be referred to Index 4.0 (Contribution Reporting & Corrections).

Can a member withdraw contributions if he or she is a member of another Louisiana public retirement system?

Yes, but the employee should be counseled as to the possibility of a reciprocal agreement between the two retirement systems or an actuarial transfer from one system to another. See Index 8.0 (Transfers, Reciprocals, & Administrative Error Transfers), and have the employee call TRSL at 225-925-6446.

How do TRSL members change their address?

Retired members can change their address by submitting a Change of Address Authorization (Form 2AC) to TRSL by mail or fax.

Active members can change their address online if they are registered for Member Access. In addition, you can change the member’s address through our employer Inquiry system. Another option is for the member to mail or fax a Change of Address Authorization (Form 2AC). Address changes are not accepted by phone or email.

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