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Get a benefit estimate

To create a benefit estimate with our online calculator preloaded with your personal information, log on to TRSL’s secure Member Access. In addition to creating a benefit estimate, you’ll be able to change your address, view your contributions, and apply for retirement online.

MEMBER ACCESS LOGIN - If you’re not yet registered for Member Access, click on the link at left and complete a one-time registration to create your user ID and password.

To request an official, written estimate of your projected retirement benefit please complete and submit to TRSL a Benefit Estimate Request (Form 10).

Other calculators

ORP Comparison Calculator: This calculator compares the benefits offered by the Regular Plan and the Optional Retirement Plan (ORP). To learn more about enrollment in the ORP, please visit our web page.

Social Security Benefit Calculators: These calculators are located on the Social Security Administration’s website, and can help you estimate potential Social Security benefits. Note that your Social Security benefits may be reduced if you receive a TRSL benefit