Inactive Members
Inactive members are TRSL members who are either no longer employed by a TRSL agency but left their contributions in the system, or members who have left state service and elected to take a deferred retirement. Although you are no longer actively contributing to TRSL, it is important that you keep your contact and beneficiary information up to date with us.
- Change your address: Complete an Change of Address Authorization (Form 2AC)
- Change your beneficiary: Complete a Beneficiary Designation (Form 3)
Deferred retirement
Members with at least five years of service credit may terminate their positions, leave their contributions with TRSL, and on the first of the month after their 60th birthday (62nd birthday for those with membership on or after July 1, 2015) be eligible to apply for a TRSL retirement benefit based on their total years, including unused sick leave. However, sick leave cannot be used for eligibility.
For more information, see the Sick Leave & Conversion to Service Credit brochure.
Refund of contributions
If you would like to request a refund of your employee contributions, visit our section on How do I get a refund?
Need more information?
Refunds Due (lists members who left their contributions at TRSL over five years ago)