Meeting of five teachers looking down at a table.

Retiree FAQs

How do I report a change of address?

You can submit a Change of Address Authorization (Form 2AC). The form is available on our website, or you can request one from TRSL by email or call 225-925-6446 or toll free (outside the Baton Rouge area) at 1-877-ASK-TRSL (1-877-275-8775).

What can I do if my benefit check is late or missing?

Benefit checks are mailed the last working day of the month. Replacement checks are issued after the fifth of the month. However, if you know your check was either stolen or destroyed, or if it’s past the fifth of the month and you haven’t received it, call TRSL at 225-925-6446 or toll-free (outside the Baton Rouge area) at 1-877-ASK-TRSL (1-877-275-8775).

How do I change my federal tax withholding?

You can submit a new IRS Form W-4P to TRSL. You can obtain a copy of this form from the IRS or from TRSL.

I haven’t received my 1099-R. How do I get one?

Each year, TRSL mails Form 1099-R to retirees during the last week of January. Please allow two weeks for delivery. If you haven’t received it by February 15, or if you need to request a duplicate copy or report an error, call TRSL at 225-925-6446 or 1-877-275-8775. You can also access your 1099-R information online through TRSL’s Member Access.

How can I get a letter verifying my monthly retirement benefit?

Send a written request with your signature and Social Security number. You may submit it to TRSL either by mail or by fax at 225-925-4779. For more information, call TRSL at 225-925-6446 or toll-free (outside the Baton Rouge area) at 1-877-ASK-TRSL (1-877-275-8775).

How can I get a letter verifying my first eligibility date for Social Security purposes?

Send a written request with your signature and Social Security number. You may submit it to TRSL either by mail or by fax at 225-925-4779. You may also request this letter by calling TRSL at 225-925-6446 or toll free (outside the Baton Rouge area) at 1-877-ASK-TRSL (1-877-275-8775).

Who can I talk to about my health insurance?

Your former employer or insurance carrier can assist you with health insurance questions. Although TRSL may process your monthly deduction amount, we don’t have the necessary information to answer any questions you may have about your coverage or premiums.

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