Active Member FAQs
Why does the law require that I be a member of TRSL?
Public pension plans like TRSL usually require employees who meet certain criteria to be members of the plan in order to provide the best benefit structure possible at the lowest cost to members. Public pension plans need to have the funds for long-term investment. Investment earnings provide a major portion of the funds needed to meet the benefit obligations of the system.
I’ve heard about 401(k) plans and IRAs. What kind of plan is TRSL?
401(k) plans and IRAs are defined contribution (DC) plans used by many private businesses to help employees save for retirement, in addition to Social Security benefits. Retirement benefits depend on the accumulated contributions in your personal account.
In contrast, TRSL is a defined benefit (DB) plan. In DB plans, your guaranteed lifetime benefit is calculated using a formula defined by state law. As a DB plan, TRSL uses your age, years of service, and final average compensation (FAC) at retirement – not the amount of your contributions – to determine your monthly benefit. TRSL members generally do not contribute to Social Security and do not gain eligibility for Social Security old-age benefits.
How do sick and annual leave affect retirement benefits?
Although unused sick leave cannot be used to attain eligibility for retirement, TRSL does convert it to retirement credit, after you retire. For information to help you make the leave calculation yourself, please visit What About My Leave? and see the Sick Leave & Conversion to Service Credit brochure.
Can I borrow against my retirement contributions?
No. Louisiana law does not allow you to borrow from your retirement fund. You can withdraw your contributions only if you permanently terminate employment in a TRSL-covered position.
How do I change my beneficiary?
To change your beneficiary, you’ll need to complete and submit an original copy of the Beneficiary Designation (Form 3).
How do I change my name?
Active members not participating in DROP can change their name online through Member Access. Once logged in, select "Change Your Name" from the "My Self Service" drop-down menu.
Or, you can submit an Member Name Change Request (Form 2NC).
How can I schedule an appointment with a counselor?
Please see TRSL's contact page for more information about counseling options and how to schedule them.