Legislative Session News Archive
Regular Session News #9: Social Security resolutions advance
May 3, 2023
Today, the House Retirement Committee met and favorably reported three resolutions that would affect TRSL or its members: House Concurrent Resolution 67 (Rep. M. Johnson) requests that Congress take actions necessary to review the Government Pension Offset (GPO) and Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) Social Security benefit reductions and eliminate or reduce them by supporting H.R. 82 and S. 597 of the 118th Congress and all similar fe...
Regular Session News #8: Amended PBI funding bill deferred in Senate Finance
May 2, 2023
On Monday, the Senate Finance Committee amended and deferred Senate Bill 18 (Sen. Price/co-sponsored by Senate President Cortez). SB 18 would establish a new model for providing permanent benefit increases (PBIs) to retirees and beneficiaries of the four state retirement systems for teachers, state employees, school employees, and state police. The new model changes the funding mechanism, granting criteria, and eligibility criteria for f...
Regular Session News #7: PBI funding bill and two UAL payment bills to be heard Monday
Apr 28, 2023
The Senate Finance Committee will consider Senate Bill 18 (Sen. Price/co-sponsored by Senate President Cortez) at 11 a.m. on Monday, May 1 (agenda). SB 18 would establish a new model for providing permanent benefit increases (PBIs) to retirees and beneficiaries of the four state retirement systems for teachers, state employees, school employees, and state police. House Bill 560 (Rep. Zeringue) is scheduled for consideration by the House ...
Regular Session News #6: UAL payment bills advance
Apr 25, 2023
On Monday, the House Appropriations Committee favorably reported House Bill 47 (Rep. Nelson). HB 47, a proposed Constitutional amendment, would require a minimum of 25% of nonrecurring state revenue to be appropriated to the unfunded accrued liabilities (UALs) of the four state retirement systems for teachers, state employees, school employees, and state police, beginning FY 2024-25. If enacted, funding allocated for UAL payments in accordance w...