Various handbooks, guides, and books atop a desk.

Forms by Subject

NOTE: If you experience technical issues using our forms, please try another web browser or make sure to clear your browser history.  Click here for troubleshooting help.

Document drop off – You can drop off documents at the TRSL office. But...don’t forget! Documents can be submitted to us through normal delivery methods, including mail, email, or fax. Please note that TRSL requires originals (not copies or scans) of some TRSL forms. If an original is required, it will be noted at the top of the form.

TRSL Form Signature GIF

Address or name changes
Change of Address Authorization (Form 2AC) - For active members, retirees, survivors, beneficiaries, & alternate payees
Member Name Change Request  (Form 2NC) - For retirees and active members
ORP Member Change of Address Authorization (Form 16AC)
ORP Member Name Change Request (Form 16NC)
Direct deposit
Direct Deposit for Refund of Contributions (Form 7D)
Direct Deposit of DROP or ILSB Account Withdrawals (Form 11R) - Use 15D for regular benefits
Direct Deposit of Benefits (Form 15D) - Use 11R for DROP or ILSB account withdrawals
Addendum to Direct Deposit of Benefits - Nonspousal Joint Signer(s) (Form 15JS)
Federal forms
10-W4 Withholding Certificate for Periodic Pension or Annuity Payments (for retirement benefits, including DROP) IRS form
05-W4P Withholding Certificate for Periodic Pension or Annuity Payments (for DROP/ILSB Account withdrawals) IRS form
05-W4R Withholding Certificate for Nonperiodic Payments and Eligible Rollover Distributions (for DROP/ILSB withdrawals) IRS form
10-W4R Withholding Certificate for Nonperiodic Payments and Eligible Rollover Distributions (for refund payments) IRS form
Refunds (Please see "Special Tax Notice Regarding TRSL Payments")
Application for Refund (Form 7)
Retiree Refund Application (Form 7A)
Direct Deposit for Refund of Contributions (Form 7D)
Please note: You must also complete and submit a Form 7. If you’re retired, you will need to submit a Form 7A instead of a Form 7.
Withholding Certificate for Nonperiodic Payments and Eligible Rollover Distributions (Form 10-W4R) - IRS form
Benefit Estimate Request (Form 10)
Application for Service Retirement, ILSB, or DROP (Form 11) - Replaces old forms 11A and 11F
Termination of Employment at End of DROP Participation/Employment (Form 11H)
Application for Return-to-Work (RTW) Supplement (Form 11RTW)
Direct Deposit of Benefits (Form 15D) - Use 11R for DROP or ILSB account withdrawals