Legislative Session News Archive
Regular Session News #15: House Retirement Committee advances RTW bill
May 19, 2022
Today, the House Retirement Committee amended and favorably reported Senate Bill 434 (Sen. Fields), which would make several changes to the 2010 Return-to-Work (RTW) Law as well as add new RTW provisions for retirees re-employed as adjunct nursing professors in postsecondary institutions. The amended Senate Bill 434 mirrors House Bill 1021, which was approved by the Senate earlier this week. Senate Bill 434 next goes to the full House for ...
Regular Session News #14: Benefit increase awaits House final passage; one RTW bill moves forward
May 17, 2022
Yesterday, the House Appropriations Committee favorably reported Senate Bill 6 (Sen. Price), which would authorize a 2% permanent benefit increase (PBI) for eligible TRSL retirees, beneficiaries, and survivors calculated on the first $68,396 of their annual retirement benefit. The PBI would be payable on July 1, 2022. If this legislation is enacted, individuals who meet the following criteria on July 1, 2022, would be granted a 2% mo...
Regular Session News #13: Resolution addressing Social Security offsets passes; proposed constitutional amendments advance
May 9, 2022
Today, the Senate Retirement Committee reported House Concurrent Resolution 11 (Rep. M. Johnson) favorably, as amended. This resolution urges and requests state legislatures to ask Congress to review and eliminate or reduce the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO) Social Security benefit reductions. The resolution also requests that the Louisiana Attorney General explore legal action to restore benefits los...
Regular Session News #12: House advances benefit increase and RTW bills
May 6, 2022
Yesterday, the House Retirement Committee met to consider three bills that would affect TRSL. The committee passed Senate Bill 6 (Sen. Price), which would authorize a 2% PBI for eligible TRSL retirees, beneficiaries, and survivors calculated on the first $68,396 of their annual retirement benefit. The PBI would be payable on July 1, 2022. If this legislation is enacted, individuals who meet the following criteria on July 1, 2022, would be g...