Students smiling and performing a writing assigment

How Do I Retire?

You can never plan too early for your retirement. The information below gives you a general timeframe of important events as you near retirement.

Two to three years before retirement

  • Review the accuracy of your years of service with TRSL. You can do this online through Member Access or request a printout by contacting us.
  • Ask your employer to review your years of service and certify or correct any questionable years of incorrect data.Complete any necessary purchases or transfers of service well in advance of applying for retirement.
  • Familiarize yourself with important TRSL brochures, such as Planning for Retirement.

One to two years before retirement

  • Request an estimate of your retirement benefits by submitting a Benefit Estimate Request (Form 10). Or try TRSL’s calculators for an unofficial projection of your retirement benefits.
  • Consider attending a one-day pre-retirement workshop. View the schedule.

Four to six months before retirement

*TRSL will send you an acknowledgment letter within two weeks of receiving your application. If you do not receive the letter, please contact us at 225-925-6446 or toll free (outside the Baton Rouge area) at 1-877-ASK-TRSL (1-877-275-8775). Once your application is processed, TRSL will send you an Affidavit of Retirement, which is a preliminary estimate of your retirement benefit for each of the available retirement options. TRSL must have a copy of your Social Security card on file to send this affidavit.

Within 15 days, return notarized affidavit

  • Read the Estimated Affidavit - Instructions/Checklist before completing your Estimated Affidavit for Retirement.
  • Review your estimated affidavit, carefully select a retirement option, and return the affidavit promptly. Be sure to complete the form, and have the affidavit notarized before returning it to TRSL.
  • REMEMBER: The option you select on your affidavit is irrevocable. It's important to review carefully your benefit options.

Your benefit check

Once you have been retired for a minimum of 30 days, you will begin receiving an estimated benefit check. The first estimated check will be mailed to your home address. All subsequent payments are made by direct deposit. You will receive estimated checks until the final benefit amount has been calculated. TRSL will also issue a check for your retroactive benefits which includes the difference between your estimated checks and your final monthly benefit amount.


  • Please coordinate your date of retirement with your employer and inform TRSL of any change before cashing or depositing a retirement check. Once you cash or deposit a retirement check, you are retired as of the effective date of your retirement application, and your retirement cannot be canceled.
  • Any earnings after the effective date of retirement are subject to return-to-work laws.