Young boy smiling while in his classroom with his other classmates.

Member Statements

DID YOU KNOW? Member statements for actively contributing members are typically available in August or September. But, at any time, you can log into your Member Access account and view general information found on your member statement, such as your designated beneficiaries, years of service, contribution amounts, and monthly average compensation. This info is on your Employment Summary screen. And, for a retirement estimate, you can click on the My Estimates tab to generate an estimate using TRSL’s benefit calculator.

What's in your member statement

Member statements detail salary, contributions, and service credit as reported by your employer(s) for the current fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). On it, you will also see accumulated funds, total service credit, current beneficiary designation(s), and your home address.

  • If you have at least five years of service credit and have not entered DROP, your statement will include projected years of service, retirement benefits, and date of retirement based on the current fiscal year.
  • If you participated in DROP and continued working, your statement will provide an estimate of your retirement benefit, including the after-DROP supplement.

Member statements are made available online through TRSL’s Member Access, which gives you secure access to your retirement account information. Once logged in, you can view and print your statement online by selecting “Member Account Statements” from the “My Account” dropdown menu at the top of the page.

If you are not yet registered for Member Access, obtain a user ID and password by clicking here. If you have any problems registering or logging on to Member Access, please contact TRSL’s Help Desk at

Having trouble accessing your member statement? Try turning off your internet browser's pop-up blocker.

Please review your statement for accuracy.

If your mailing address or the beneficiary listing is incorrect, please notify TRSL promptly.

Correct your address: Submit to TRSL a Change of Address Authorization (Form 2AC) or edit your profile through TRSL’s Member Access.

Update/correct your beneficiary information: Submit to TRSL a Beneficiary Designation (Form 3).

If you find an error in salary, contributions, or service credit, call your employer first. Employers should contact TRSL if the statement information does not agree with their records.