According to the Social Security Administration (SSA), as of February 24, 2025, retroactive benefits and increased monthly benefit payments to people whose benefits were affected by the WEP and GPO have begun. Visit the SSA website for more information or call 1-800-772-1213.
What Are My Benefits?

For those who first became members of a state public retirement system on or after January 1, 2011 (includes 2011 Plan Members and 2015 Plan Members).

As a TRSL member, you belong to one of two retirement plans: the Regular Plan for teachers, or Plan B for some school food service employees. There are slight differences in employee contribution rates and how benefits are calculated for each plan as outlined below.

With TRSL, you’re also eligible for survivor benefits once you have five years of TRSL service credit, and disability benefits once you have 10 years of TRSL service credit (excluding service earned while on workers’ compensation). Plan B members are eligible for disability benefits with five years of service credit, and may include service earned while on workers’ compensation.
NOTE: Final average compensation (FAC) is the average of your highest, five years of salary consecutively earned, and is used to calculate your retirement benefit

Regular Plan

The majority of TRSL’s members are in the Regular Plan, which includes those employed in any of the classifications defined by law as “teacher.”

Contribution Rate: Regular Plan members contribute 8.0% of salary.

Benefit formula: Years of service x final average compensation (FAC) x 2.5% benefit factor
Plan B

Plan B includes school food service workers who work in the 20 parishes that have not withdrawn Social Security coverage (Allen, Assumption, Avoyelles, Cameron, Catahoula, Concordia, DeSoto, East Feliciana, Jefferson, Jefferson Davis, Lafayette, LaSalle, Morehouse, Orleans, Red River, St. Helena, St. John the Baptist, St. Mary, Washington, and West Feliciana).

Contribution Rate: Plan B members contribute 5.0% of salary and the old-age portion of Social Security.

Benefit formula: Years of service x final average compensation (FAC) x 2.0% benefit factor
Need more information?

  When Can I Retire? (a listing of retirement eligibility requirements)
  TRSL Member Handbook: Regular Plan & Plan B)
  Sick Leave & Conversion to Service Credit
  Death and Survivor Benefits
  Disability Benefits
  TRSL User's Guide (for new members)
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