Single row of staggered crayons of various colors.

2020 RTW Law

Who is subject to the 2020 RTW Law?

If you meet the following criteria, you are in the 2020 RTW Group and subject to the 2020 RTW Law (La. R.S. 11:710.1).

  • Individuals who retired on or after July 1, 2020
  • Individuals who meet criteria for the 2010 RTW Group, but who make an irrevocable election to be in the 2020 RTW Group

How does the 2020 RTW Law (La. R.S. 11:710.1) affect me?

TRSL retirees in the 2020 RTW Group, who return to work in positions eligible for TRSL membership as direct hires and not by contract or corporate contract, must choose one of the following options that will either limit their earnings during reemployment or suspend their retirement benefit while they accrue a supplemental benefit during reemployment. 

The options from which 2020 RTW Group retirees can choose are determined by whether their position in reemployment is part-time or full-time. Use the table below to determine what option is available to you.

RTW Option 1
available to all part-time and full-time direct employment positions
after a 12-month waiting period
  • Retiree earnings are limited to 25% (per fiscal year) of their final average compensation (FAC) from their original retirement.
  • Benefit is reduced when earnings limit is reached, and if necessary, suspended to recover amounts over earnings limit.
Additional information: Retirees returning to work under RTW Option 1 can convert to RTW Option 2 any time before or after reaching the 25% earnings limit (per fiscal year) provided the RTW Option 2 position is full-time.
RTW Option 2
available to all
full-time direct employment positions
  • Retiree benefit is suspended for the duration of reemployment and retiree regains active membership in TRSL.
  • Service credit is earned during reemployment and retiree accrues a supplemental benefit. Supplemental benefit is calculated with the same formula used to determine the retiree's original benefit, utilizing service credit earned during reemployment under RTW Option 2. The final average compensation (FAC) utilized will depend on the length of reemployment.
Additional information: The supplemental benefit is calculated with same formula used to determine the retiree's original benefit.
  • If reemployment lasts at least 36 months: The supplemental benefit is calculated based on the higher of the retiree's original FAC or the FAC since reemployment. 
  • If reemployment lasts less than 36 months: The supplemental benefit is calculated based on the retiree's original FAC.

Critical Shortage
available to certain full-time and part-time direct employment positions after
​​​​​​​a 12-month waiting period
  • Full- and part-time classroom teachers in any subject where a shortage exists.
  • Full- and part-time certified speech therapist, speech pathologist, audiologist, educational diagnostician, school social worker, school counselor, school psychologist, interpreters, educational transliterators, or educators of the deaf or hard of hearing.

What if I return to work by contract or corporate contract?

Retirees returning to work through any employment by contract or corporate contract will have their benefits suspended for the duration of reemployment, and do not earn a supplemental benefit.

What is a waiting period and am I subject to it?

Retirees returning to work in positions eligible for TRSL membership are subject to a mandatory waiting period during which their TRSL benefits will be suspended.

Within the 2020 RTW Group, retirees returning to active service within 12 months after retirement will have their retirement benefits suspended for the duration of such active service or the lapse of 12 months from retiree’s effective date of his retirement, whichever occurs first. 

What happens if I'm employed in a critical shortage position?

After a 12-month waiting period, retirees returning to work in certain critical shortage positions can work full- or part-time without a suspension or reduction in retirement benefits if they are directly reemployed by a TRSL-reporting employer.

What is a "classroom teacher?"

Any employee (1) whose position of employment requires a valid Louisiana teaching certification and (2) who is assigned the professional activities of instructing pupils in courses in classroom situations for which daily pupil attendance figures for the school system are kept; or is assigned to proctor admissions, evaluation or assessment testing.