Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
To provide clarification on provisions in the RTW laws, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions for each law. Select the link below that is applicable to the RTW group to which you belong.
2010 RTW Group:
- Individuals who retired before July 1, 2020
NOTE: Some individuals who retired before July 1, 2020, are in the 2020 RTW Group because the date of their first reemployment was on or after July 1, 2020. Under Acts 549 and 601 of 2022, these individuals can now elect to transfer to the 2010 RTW Group. The transfer is not available to anyone who previously exercised an option to transfer from the 2010 RTW Group to the 2020 RTW Group. Retirees in the special transfer group who elect to transfer from the 2020 RTW Group to the 2010 RTW Group cannot transfer back to the 2020 RTW Group until July 1, 2027.
2020 RTW Group:
- Individuals who retired on or after July 1, 2020
- Individuals who meet criteria for the 2010 RTW Group, but who make an irrevocable election to be in the 2020 RTW Group
2022 RTW Group
(Higher Education ONLY):
Individuals who retired before July 1, 2020, and meet all of the following criteria:
- At least age 62;
- Have at least 30 years of creditable service; and
- Directly reemployed as an adjunct professor, as defined, in La R.S. 11:710(A)(1), in a nursing program at a public post-secondary education institution where a critical shortage exists